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Mrs. A
McElderry Park, Baltimore City


Mrs. A, age 85, has lived in her East Baltimore home for 41 years. She was born in South Carolina before  her parents  decided to migrate to the north during the 1940s. Her family lived all over east Baltimore until they settled in a location near the famed National Great Blacks in Wax Museum on East North Avenue. She can remember a time when homes lined the streets, and a funeral home, and fire station were on the block. When Mrs. A was finally ready to purchase her home in 1981, she liked that the house was close to her job at Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr. Courthouse, and spacious considering the neighborhood housing stock. 


Mr and Mrs. A had 10 children together. 2 live next door, and 1 one lives with Ms. A. Five of the children live a few blocks away, as well as many grandchildren. The family has been able to remain close because of their shared religious faith and the great fortune of being able to purchase the home next door to them. The homeowner next door had neglected the home for a few years and it was falling into disrepair.  Luckily for Mrs. A’s family, the owner sold it to her for $15,000! Doubling the square footage of her family home overnight. This allowed the large family to live together for as long as they needed.


Mrs. A and her daughters were all very handy, thanks to Mr. A being a trained carpenter before he passed away, and their volunteering at their church. Mrs. A has many stories about her wrapping duct work with her friends in the ceilings of Kingdom Halls across the city of Baltimore. Her daughter is still in amazement at the energy and vitality of her mother in working full time, volunteering, and raising her family. 


Watching their  childhood home deteriorate led Mrs. A’s daughters to seek help. Heating and cooling the home, as well as the stress of figuring out how they would repair the roof caused the family a lot of stress. They were worried about how they would afford to get it all done. Ms. A is now on limited income because of retirement. Mrs. A’s daughters worried about having to take care of their mother’s health and the family home. 

Like many older rowhomes in Baltimore, Mrs. A’s home needed some modifications in order to allow her to live comfortably as she aged. A primary issue in the home was water leaking from the roof causing damage inside the home. The heating and cooling system was also in need of repair. Rebuilding Together Baltimore was able to help Ms. A age in place as well as provide modifications that will allow family members to continue to stay as Ms. A requires care. 


RTB was able to: 


  • Replace the roof  

  • Install a new heating and cooling system replacement

  • Install handrails on exterior and interior stairs 

  • Install grab bars in the bathroom

  • Replace exterior back security door. 


Ms. A’s daughter expressed how happy and stress free life has become since  RTB was able to complete these repairs. Now Ms. A can worry less about her health and be active for her many grandchildren who love being around her and the family home.

Professional contractors will be able to provide Ms. S with a brand new heating and air conditioning system, insulate exterior walls where needed, and complete further carpentry repair in the kitchen. 

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