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The state of Maryland has allocated tax credits to Rebuilding Together Baltimore. These tax credits are made available to individuals and businesses in Maryland through the Community Investment Tax Credits Program (CITC).
Double your donation, double your savings! Give at least $500 to our critical home repair programs and you will receive 50% of your donation as a tax credit. That's a savings of at least $250!
Contact Bonnie Bessor, Executive Director to learn more about the Community Investment Tax Credit (CITC) and how you can support our projects and save money on your Maryland State taxes. Email or call 410-319-2461.
Pledge your donation today! We will follow up with a simple waiver form to complete and sign.
Tax Credits are limited. Tax Credits that will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Make your PLEDGE as soon as possible to lock in your tax credits.
Please contact your tax professional for how this will impact your specific tax advantages.
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