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A Look Back at 2019

Writer's picture: cpcrtbcpcrtb

Wow, what a year! From all of us here at Rebuilding Together Baltimore, THANK YOU to all the volunteers, community partners, and homeowners who helped make 2019 so productive! Over the next few days, we’ll be posting recaps of our work in Baltimore City and County from the past year. As the year and the decade come to an end, it’s a great time to recognize and celebrate the hard work of everyone who’s helped us pursue our mission of safe and healthy housing for all.

We started off the year by sending two AmeriCorps members to participate in the Martin Luther King Week of Service in January. Over 40 AmeriCorps members from Rebuilding Together affiliates across the nation met in New Orleans, Louisiana to perform repairs for local homeowners in need.

In April, we participated in Rebuilding Together’s National Rebuilding Month. Our work in the Dun Logan neighborhood of Dundalk culminated on April 27th, National Rebuilding Day. Thanks to the support of hundreds of volunteers from Loyola Blakefield, Gilbane, Southern Management Corporation, Fidelity & Guaranty Life, MAREIA, Eastern Savings Bank, Booz Allen Hamilton, Stratus Solutions, Feulner and Friends and many more organizations and companies, we performed critical home repairs for seven homeowners, painted a new mural at the Dundalk American Legion, and organized several community beautification projects throughout the neighborhood! Thanks to all our Spring Rebuilding Day volunteers, and a special shout-out to Mr. Tom Feulner for thirty years of volunteering with RTB!

Later in the Spring, we continued to work with our corporate supporters and volunteers to provide critical health-and-safety-based repairs for two more homeowners in need. A team from the Annie E. Casey Foundation came out in mid-May to perform indoor and outdoor repairs and renovations for a homeowner in the Wilson Park Neighborhood of Baltimore City. The following month, in early June, volunteers from Erie Insurance returned to work on another home in Wilson Park, where the homeowner has been living for over 30 years. We continued our summer streak with a third corporate team build in July, when a team of volunteers from Wells Fargo did repairs for a homeowner in the Barclay neighborhood.

Our year was so busy that we can’t fit everything into one post! Check back tomorrow to hear about our Community Resource Fair and Fall projects.


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